Vendor Application
Harvest Green Farmer's Market
Harvest Green Farmers Market’s overall mission is to support and host local agriculture producers to provide residents and the broader community access to fresh, local and healthy food. By being agriculturally and producer centric, our goal is to create a consistent marketplace for residents and members of the broader public to source their weekly food needs with the freshest and healthiest products, while also supporting small-scale and local producers.
In addition to agricultural focused vendors, we also believe in the value of creating a platform for other small local businesses, artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and interact with the community. We believe that a diverse market offers unique opportunities and value for both our market customers as well as our vendors, but we operate a “producer-only” market, which means that all vendors should produce all of their own goods.
The Farmers Market is Rain or Shine every Saturday and open year-round.
October - May : 9am - 1pm | June - September : 9am - Noon
Vendor Participation & Opportunities
Below is an overview of potential qualifying vendors for the market. All vendors must have any necessary licenses and must follow Fort Bend County Environmental Health Guidelines at all times.
Agriculture and Producer vendors may include:
Animal: Eggs, chicken, pork, beef, seafood, duck, goat, lamb, quail and other animal-based products
Vegetables, Fruits, and Foodstuffs: Fruit, berries, nuts, honey, teas, mushrooms, cheese and dairy products, among others
Ornamental Plants and Flowers: Both living and dried (must be non-invasive species)
Prepared Foods and Value Add Products: Sauces, salsas, jams, jellies, pickles, vinegars, baked goods, fermented beverages, herbal lotions and soaps, among others.
Spaces for non-agricultural vendors are limited and priority will be given to those that include:
Houston-area artisans and small businesses who are “maker-based,” which means that you hand make or custom make each of your products
Producers who use local materials and supplies in their products
Website or online presence for your business and products – ideally, this is not just your personal page but one curated specifically to support your products and business
A certified business, with a state license to sell your products
Additionally, the Harvest Green Village Farm is a certified organic farm and we strongly believe in supporting other local vendors and businesses who share a similar environmental ethos and utilize sustainable practices. Of note, this does not mean vendors and businesses need to be certified organic, but our ideal partners actively engage in environmentally friendly best practices that support optimal human, animal, plant, and ecosystem-wide health and sustainability.
At this time, “Non-Qualifying” vendors and businesses include:
Wholesale and Resellers: This includes any and all products that are purchased from a wholesale distributor (whether national or local), with the intention of reselling them with or without any alterations. Specific examples include: home goods, arts, crafts, and others
If your business meets the above standards, please feel free to fill out and submit an application via the form on this website. Additional components of the application process may include an interview, on-site visit, and product trials. If you have any additional questions or need further clarity on any of the above standards, please contact our Market Manager at harvestgreen@agmenity.com
Market Sponsorship
If your business does not qualify to be a participant under our vendor guidelines, we do offer the opportunity for companies, organizations, and other individuals to sponsor a market.
Sponsorships begin at $150 and offer a booth presence plus other opportunities at the market. Please send all sponsor inquiries to harvestgreen@agmenity.com with “Farmers Market Sponsor” in the email subject line.
Additional Vendor Information & Commitments
Operating and managing a market is a challenging endeavor that requires defined standards, rules, and protocols in order to ensure that all participants have a shared understanding of the objectives of the overall market as well as their individual responsibilities. Our goal is to curate and facilitate a dynamic and enriching market environment that provides a healthy space for all customers and vendors, and we view all stakeholders as partners who are all working together to help build a successful market.
There are a plethora of variables that are involved in managing a successful market, and the below elements illuminate a few key principles and expectations.
Vendor Commitments and Expectations
We strongly value communication and transparency in all realms of the market, and this becomes particularly important in regards to vendor commitment and participation. Consistency is a critical component for a successful market and regular attendance by all participants builds trust with our customer base as well as creating a more dynamic and supportive environment for other vendors.
If you apply and are accepted to the market, then you fully understand and agree to the below conditions:
The Farmers Market is Rain or Shine every Saturday and open year-round.
October - May : 9am - 1pm | June - September : 9am - Noon
Monthly Attendance: We would love our vendors to attend our market as frequently as possible; however, if you are unable to attend each weekend, we require an attendance of at least 2 out of 4 Saturdays per month. If you do not have consistent attendance, then you will forfeit your booth space and the opportunity to be an active member.
Long-Term Commitment: We greatly value long-term partnerships and relationships, and if you are able to give a commitment of 6+ months, then your application will be given priority status.
Communication and Attendance: We fully recognize that there are uncertainties in life and if you are unable to attend a market, then you need to communicate with the Farmers Market Manager at least 24 hours in advance. Additionally, the Market Manager will be in communication with all vendors via regular emails, monthly schedule requests, and other vendor support areas.
Application and Bylaws: In addition to the above, all vendors will formally agree to the various market protocols and expectations discussed in the application and bylaws.
Market Vendor Fees: We are a relatively young, small and evolving market and at the moment do not charge vendor fees. In the future as market demand grows, then we may institute a booth fee, but early committed partners may be given preferential status if and when the shift to vendor fees occurs.
A Special Note on Respect and Kindness for All: The Harvest Green Farmers Market is a safe and inclusive space for all residents and members of the broader Houston region regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender/gender identity, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and other federal, state and locally protected human rights. All vendors are expected to be welcoming, respectful and kind to all customers, Village Farm team members, and other market stakeholders.
Vendor Waitlist
We are a relatively small and evolving market and want to create an environment that allows our individual vendors to be as successful as possible, which at this time means that we intentionally limit competition by not having multiple vendors who sell similar products. As market participation and demand grows, there is the opportunity for us to potentially expand to include additional vendors with similar products. At this time, we welcome all qualifying vendors to submit an application, however, if we currently have a similar vendor, then you will be added to our waitlist.
Opportunities for Harvest Green Residents
We view the Farmers Market as a unique opportunity to illuminate Harvest Green residents who are food and maker-based producers and provide them with a platform to connect and market their product with their fellow residents as well as the broader community.
We accept ongoing applications for a "Resident Corner" at the Farmers Market in which residents who are interested in selling their product on a singular time basis can sign up for a specific weekend. If you are a resident and would like to participate, please fill out the Vendor Application and be sure to include in the "Market Dates" fillable box that you are interested in the "Resident Corner" and the date you are available. Reach out to harvestgreen@agmenity.com with any further questions.
Vendor Documents Needed
Below are the recommended permits by type of vendor but due to the nature of county and state regulations, these may not be fully representative of the exact needs of every individual vendor. Ideally, all potential vendors and participants will do their own research to make sure they are fully aligned with Fort Bend county permit requirements, and in addition, the Harvest Green Farmers Market Manager will be able to assist with any questions.
All food vendors must follow these guidelines on the day of the market:
If you are a freshly prepared food vendor, please follow the temporary food establishment guidelines outlined by Fort Bend County.
Produce and Fruits ( Food Manufacturers Permit, Texas Food Handlers Permit )
Ornamental plants, flowers, and herbs ( Nursery/ Floral Certificate )
Honey, Olive Oil, Vinegar ( Food Manufacturers Permit, Food Handlers Permit )
Meats, Poultry, Seafood, Eggs ( Food Manufacturers Permit, Food Handlers Permit )
Dairy ( Food Manufacturers Permit, Dairy Products Processor Permit, Retail Raw Dairy, Food Handlers Permit )
Processed Food
Fermented drinks, juices, salsa, vinegar, oils, syrups, sauces ( Food Manufacturer Permit, Food Handlers Permit )
Prepared Food & Restaurants
Foods brought to the market AND food prepared/cooked at the market ( Retail Food Permit, Food Manufacturer Permit, and Food Handlers Permit )
Baked Goods
Baked breads ( Retail Food Permit, Food Manufacturer Permit, and Food Handlers Permit ).
Texas Cottage Food Industry (House Bill 970)
Bakery, Candy, Nuts, Fruit Butters, Fruit Pies, Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables, Popcorn, Cereals, Dry Mixes, Vinegar, Mustard, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Coffee, Tea, Dried Herbs (Food Handlers License, Copy of Labels in compliance with HB970)