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Farm Feed

Harvesting the First Spinach of the Season
January 11th, 2023 We’re harvesting the first of our spinach crop this week! Our spinach did well through the freeze and has finally...

Recovering After the Arctic Blast
December 28th, 2022 We hope you stayed warm despite the freezing temperatures over the past several days! Now that we’re on the other...

Enjoying Summer Veggies and Preparing for Fall
AUGUST 16th, 2022 Have you been enjoying our summer produce? Since we know how tough it can be to find recipe inspiration, especially at...

The Transition from Winter to Spring
We’re at the transitional period between winter and spring. There’s never a distinct overnight change as we move from one season to the...

In the Greenhouse
The greenhouse is teeming with life! We’ve reached the point in the season when winter varieties are growing alongside those for spring....

Up-potting Tomatoes & Seeding Peppers
Village Farm Team, Our tomato transplants are swiftly growing in the greenhouse, especially with this warmer weather pattern. In order to...

Seeding Tomatoes
Village Farm Team, While the temperature drops outside, our greenhouse has been providing a consistently warm environment for all of our...

Mid-November on the Farm
We're treating you to a visual update this week so you can see the very green transition we're making on the farm as we get all manner of...

Harvesting Mustard Greens & Seeding up a Storm
Village Farm Team, We harvested the first of our mustard greens this past week. Their beautiful and swift growth over the past couple of...

Seeding Trays from Start to Finish
Village Farm Team, We’ve been seeding up a storm over the past couple of weeks to prepare for the transition to cool season crops! In...
Village Farm Events
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