The Transition from Winter to Spring

We’re at the transitional period between winter and spring. There’s never a distinct overnight change as we move from one season to the next, but rather an overlap. Crops of the current season are slowly phased out making more room for those of the next one. As we navigate the journey into the spring season, here’s what to expect over the next few weeks:
The return of sunshine and mild winter temperatures this week will allow us to begin transplanting our last succession of winter crop including delicious varietals of cabbage, kale, tatsoi, cauliflower, and broccoli.
While things have slowed down in the field with the freeze and colder temperatures, they’ve ramped up in the greenhouse. In case you missed our post last week, we have tomatoes, peppers, and flowers growing in anticipation for the first spring planting.

Experimenting with new varietals is one of our favorite parts of starting a fresh season in the field, and for spring we are super excited about: Adam cucumbers (gherkin-type great for pickling), Minime cucumbers (mini size perfect for snacking), Supernova tomatoes (mini Roma with constellations of yellow stripes on red flesh), and Enroza tomatoes (a pink beefsteak).
We’re also thrilled to begin ramping up production in anticipation of the fifth annual Chef Fest! This farm-to-table event takes place here on the farm on Sunday, April 10th, 2022. You can read more about it and secure your tickets here.

Currently in Season: Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Head Lettuce, Spinach, Scallions, Sprouting Broccoli, Kale, Radicchio, Brussels Sprouts, Cilantro, Parsley, and Dill