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Farm Feed

Reactivating our HVF Rows and Harvesting Callaloo
August 31st, 2023 As the fall season approaches, it’s time to reactivate our HVF (High Velocity Farming) rows! From fall through spring,...

Harvesting the First Fall Crops
SEPTEMBER 20th, 2022 We harvested the first fall crops from our HVF rows this past weekend! We’ll have both French breakfast radishes and...

Farm Tours and a New Flock
SEPTEMBER 13th, 2022 We are excited to announce that our first “Meet the Farm” Tour is coming up on Sunday, September 25th at 1:30pm!...

Gearing up for Fall on the Farm
SEPTEMBER 6th, 2022 Have you been thinking about starting a garden or learning to grow your own food this fall? If so, we have a couple...

Planting the First Fall Crops
AUGUST 30th, 2022 A couple of weeks ago we shared in this post that we were in the process of transitioning a couple of our rows back to...

Enjoying Summer Veggies and Preparing for Fall
AUGUST 16th, 2022 Have you been enjoying our summer produce? Since we know how tough it can be to find recipe inspiration, especially at...

Harvesting Dragon's Tongue Beans and Arugula
Our Dragon’s Tongue beans are coming in along with our green beans! Lucky for us, our climate allows for both a spring and fall planting...

Harvesting Sweet Peppers & Planting Cover Crops
Our fall succession of sweet peppers is starting to mature, giving up small yields both last week and this week. This fall we’re growing...

Implementing a New Cropping System and Planting Fall Crops
We’re in the process of implementing a new cropping system on part of the farm that we’re calling “HVF”, or High Velocity Farming. This...
Village Farm Events
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