Graffiti Cauliflower Planted & Farm Club Radishes Harvested
Village Farm Team,
Thanks in large part to the folks that came to the Farm Fun Day this past Saturday, the team has been able to plant out a few rows of graffiti cauliflower on the North Farm. The residents that came were so eager to plant that they were able to tackle an entire row (approximately 200 transplants) in a single afternoon! The transplants are being planted on the rows adjacent to the chicken coop that is covered completely with a black, woven plastic material. This material helps to discourage and suppress weeds and involves little waste output as it lasts for several years. If you are a Harvest Green resident and eager to learn more about the planting process or perhaps want to get more involved with the farm, make sure to keep an eye out for the next Farm Fun Day.

The Farm Club plots are growing beautifully! The members were already able to harvest their French breakfast radishes as that particular varietal can be harvested about 20 days after planting or when the root is about two inches in length. If left to grow much longer than 20 days the root can become woody and unpleasantly bitter. Irrigation was installed next to the Farm Club plots this past week so watering just became a lot easier for the members. Interested in becoming a part of Farm Club and having your very own part of the farm to grow veggies on? Submit an application here.

The team has been aiming to utilize the chicken tractor at least once a day since Harvest Fest. The chicken tractor is a lightweight, easily transportable wooden frame covered in chicken wire. The tractor is placed over grass in various spots around the farm and four or five chickens at a time are allowed inside to scratch and forage for insects. The chickens are loving this new activity as it not only gives them a change of scenery from the coop, but allows them to supplement their diet and get a little exercise.

Happy Harvesting,
The Agmenity Farm Team
Words & Photos by Courtney West