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HG Produce Goes to School

Village Farm Team,

The farm has been hard at work getting transplants in the ground. As we get all of our tomato transplants out, we begin on the cucurbit family which includes various melons, watermelon, squash, gourds, zucchini, and cucumbers. These varieties tend to be susceptible to pests when planted directly in the ground which is why they are generally planted 2-3 per hole, or started in the greenhouse. If you do start transplants of this family, take caution as they can be easily stunted if they become root-bound and do not tolerate much root stress during transplanting. As we move these out to the field, we will be monitoring their growth closely for pest damage.

Kids in the community showed up Wednesday afternoon to participate in a cooking demonstration by the WIDE school. They were able to create their own infused water concoctions and taste some farm fresh produce prepared by the school’s chefs. The menu included radish fries, collard wraps, and a kale salad. Our lovely cooks even took some produce to feature in the school lunch menu!

Our National Ag Day Market was beautiful and included some amazing kale salad prepared by Ashley Hurst, a nutritionist who focuses on the science and healing power of food. Visit our blog to see the recipe and contact Ashley! An observation hive brought out by Nando’s Honeybee Farm provided an up close idea of how your favorite sweetener is made. If you would like to learn more about any of the products featured at our market, contact us

Happy Harvesting,


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