Harvesting Greens & Planning for Summer Crops
Village Farm Team,
Last week we noticed the first crowns on our purple graffiti cauliflower, and this week, our belstar broccoli is following suit! Once these crops produce a crown, it only take a few weeks until they are ready for harvest. After we harvest our broccoli and cauliflower (look for them soon at the veggie wagon!), we’ll be replacing the vacant spots with our tomato transplants. When our tomatoes are planted, we’ll be able to use the space in the greenhouse to seed a variety of summer crops like peppers, eggplant, and cucumbers.

Thanks to a little fertilizer, a lot of love, and some sunshine, our greens on the North Farm are looking fantastic! Due to the freeze, they will have an added sweetness and an incredibly delicious flavor. We will be harvesting some dinosaur kale, fordhook giant chard, butterhead lettuce, and red mustard greens that will be available for purchase at the veggie wagon on Saturday. Make sure you stop by to take advantage of some truly local food!

Speaking of greens, our task for Farm Fun Day this Saturday (February 17th) will be to plant a variety of leafy greens in our planter boxes on the North Farm. We have an awesome assortment of brassicas including kale, mustards, and cabbage that we will be planting with your help! Make sure to check your e-mail for more details.

Last Thursday the farm team attended the 33rd annual Fort Bend Regional Vegetable Conference. Though it was held in Rosenberg, other counties located along the upper Gulf Coast region, including Harris, Brazoria, and Wharton, were in attendance. The conference is focused on teaching sustainable practices in order to help farmers maximize efficiency and profitability.

Happy Harvesting,
The Agmenity Farm Team
Words & Photos by Courtney West