Happy Thanksgiving! We are hoping everyone had a wonderful day of feasting and giving thanks. We had a great turnout at both markets this week on the Saturday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

If you made a dish with Farm produce, and would like to share pictures and/or recipes, send them to Kathryn at, and we can add them to the blog!
This was Farm-Educator Kelly's first week on the farm, and she has been excited to meet some of the community! With upcoming events there will be more chances for everyone to come out and get acquainted.
We harvested papalo seeds, also known as summer cilantro, to store for next year. They are currently drying in the greenhouse.

Once the moisture has evaporated from the plants and the seeds, we will take each full plant and shake it into a bag to separate seeds. They will then be stored in the dark at room temperature until we are ready to plant them next year.
We are nearing the end of our sweet potato season. Unfortunately due to weather we had to cancel the sweet potato harvest this week, but residents were able to meet Kelly at the produce stand later that evening. The farmers will be concluding the sweet potato harvest this month.
Your next chance to purchase Village Farm Produce will be
Thursday, December 8 between 3pm and 5pm!
Produce Available:
Mustard greens
Sweet potatoes
And citrus!
Our team has a lot to be thankful for this holiday season as we continue to receive overwhelming support from out community. You guys rock!