The Flavors of Fall
OCTOBER 25th, 2022

Our class offering for the month of November is a little something for the kids. They can join us for Farm Explorers: Storyline Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, November 6th, from 12:30-1:30pm! This offering is geared towards children ages 8 to 12 and features a farm story read by Farmers Bethany and Nathan. After the story, the attendees will get to go on a scavenger hunt around the farm to learn all about our plants and animals. Plus, they’ll get to take home a souvenir! This class is open to the public and costs $10. You can reserve your spot here.

We’re making our way into the thick of fall produce which means we have several new items for you at the farm stand this week! We made the first harvest of our roselle hibiscus (pictured both above and below) so we’ll have a limited amount available for you this week. Roselle is a great local option to stand in for cranberries when you want a tangy compote, syrup, or jam. In addition to roselle, we’re also harvesting the first watermelon radishes, Hakurei turnips, beets, Komatsuna, Pak Choi, Tatsoi, and Wasabina mustard greens.

Our Swiss chard would have made it onto the harvest list this week, too had it not been for the pest pressure from caterpillars! They’ve been hitting our first succession of chard really hard so we are testing out insect netting on our most recent planting of both beets and chard. Ideally, the insect netting will reduce pressure from caterpillars by keeping out the moths that lay their eggs on the leaves of our leafy greens. Our plan is to keep the insect netting up for as long as we can to ensure a healthy harvest of Swiss chard!

Upcoming Events:
Meet the Farm Tour on Sunday, October 30th at 1:30pm (sign up here)
Farm Explorers: Storyline Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, November 6th at 12:30pm (sign up here)
Meet the Farm Tour on Sunday, November 27th at 1:30pm (sign up here)
Currently in Season at the Farm Stand: Beets, Hakurei Turnips, Watermelon Radishes, Komatsuna, Pak Choi, Tatsoi, Wasabina, Roselle Hibiscus (limited), Kale, Mustard Greens, Zucchini, Tromboncino, Okra, Peppers, Eggplant, and Assorted Herbs.