Hello 2022!
After making it through the warmest December on record, we ushered in the new year with the first freeze of the winter season! Luckily this wasn’t a “hard freeze” (sustained temperatures below 28 degrees Fahrenheit) but it did require some prep work in order to minimize crop damage.

Did you know that certain crops actually benefit from a freeze? Many varieties of root crops and brassicas like kale and cauliflower store energy in the form of starches throughout their growing season. When temperatures drop to freezing, they convert their starches into sugars which act like an anti-freezing agent for their cells. This environmental response leads to an improved, sweeter flavor once they are harvested.

We’re harvesting two new crops for you this week: carrots and Brussels sprouts. We have a mix of purple and orange carrots that are ready for your favorite sweet and savory recipes. No matter how you like to enjoy your carrots, make sure to remove the greens as soon as you bring them home so that the roots stay nice and crisp. You can use the greens in a pesto if you like!

As for our Brussels sprouts, you can snap them or cut them off the main stem before using them in a recipe. They can be shredded and added to salads or slaws but they’re especially delicious when they’re roasted so that their natural sugars begin to caramelize. Want to see us harvesting some? You can watch a short video here.

For 2022, we’re looking forward to seeing more of you out on the farm! Stay tuned for updates about the Farmers Market, Educational Programs, Farm Club, Volunteering and other ways to experience this great communal space. If you’d like to see what last year looked like, we shared a year in review on our Instagram account with a photo taken from each of the 52 weeks of 2021. You can watch it here!

Currently in Season: Carrots, Brussels Sprouts, Snow Peas, Beets, Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Kale, Cabbages, Collard Greens, Chicory, Swiss Chard, Butterhead Lettuce, and Romaine Lettuce