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Hurricane Clean-Up & Our Newest Farm Educators

Village Farm Team,

We hope everyone is faring well post-hurricane. The team has been working hard this past week to get the farm back on track for fall. The crops planted on the South Farm a few weeks ago were completely inundated and thus will have to be removed and completely replaced. On the North Farm, the permanent bed covers had to be weather proofed and reset. Luckily the team had not planted transplants on the North Farm prior to the storm.

Our animals are doing well this week and are enjoying settling back into their routines. The chickens were able to stay in their coop during the bad weather. Since the coop is elevated, they were able to keep safe and dry. The goats were moved off-site to stay with Farm Educator Bonnie at her home. They are glad to be back in their pen this week enjoying the sunshine and playing on their truck.

Our greenhouse has seen a lot of action this week as we continue with seeding fall crops. A variety of leafy greens, root vegetables, and brassicas (i.e. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) were planted in our starter trays. Our hope is to be able to transplant these in about three or four weeks.

Last but not least, we have two new Farm Educators on the team! Ryan came to join the team a couple of weeks before the hurricane hit. Originally from Mansfield, Texas, he worked for Cornelius nurseries in the DFW area before heading south to join our team. Ryan's love of growing and nurturing plants carries over into his home life as he loves to garden and research. His main interests are permaculture, the outdoors, and sports.

Adam came to us in the midst of Hurricane Harvey. He hails from Michigan though his last job was in Northern California. Adam has been working in organic farming for seven years. He has a master’s degree in sustainable design in addition to a permaculture design certification. His motivation for coming down to the Houston area is to enjoy a year-round growing season and have the opportunity to work on a fairly large scale urban farm.

Happy Harvesting,

The Agmenity Farm Team


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